Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Finding Ithaqua

(1)   A Deviant Challange

A follower of my deviant art profile challenged me to create an image of Ithaqua. This name sounded familiar but it was only until I researched it that it was one of H.P. Lovecraft's creations from the Call of Cthulu Mythos. So I accepted the challenge and set about creating a an conceptual art piece of this Wind Walker of the Icy Wastes but not only that, Im going to record through this post the process I go through as an artist to achieve this, although I consider myself an amateur and would greatly appreciate any feed back through its development.

(2)    Research

After some extensive reading and web browsing, I have a fairly good idea what Ithaqua looks like or rather how I want it to look. The main description of it being necrotic, with huge hand like wings, an icy horrible giant, webbed feet with a heart of ice, an kind of an air elemental? A lot of difeerent stories and authors contibute to H.P. lovecrafts creature but my aim is to keep it closer to the orignal description set by the challenger.

(3) Initial Concept Sketches

(4) First Attempt
(5) Second Attempt
(6) Development

My Story so far...

Hello and welcome, this post is basically to debrief you all on what I've been up to in the last few years at Uni and how I have been getting closer to my goal of establishing myself as a concept artist, working within the games industry. This is basically a quick skim of my background and where I'm at now, almost like a diary the story stretches far back and includes matters close to me even to this day.

Who are You?
My name is Christopher Mc Cann, I grew up in Co.Tyrone, Northern Ireland and ever since I seen my first computer game I was hooked. I always loved to draw, it was very natural for me, I had ideas for games, creatures and heroes and putting them down on paper brought them to life. Films, Books, Myths, Comics and Nature have been a big magical source of inspiration for me, they made me want to inspire. I progressed well in Art all the way up to my A levels, although the amount of monsters I had drawn created some concern. I didn't really know what I wanted to do after school, I could have anything but I knew in my gut that once I seen an actual game design course on offer, that was the one for me.

Where have you been?
I came to England charged with enthusiasm and a positive naivety. I started on a Fhd course at St Helens College.. a great start for a newbie like me but it wasn't enough after that, the move to a new location by myself had also been a lot tougher than I had thought. Persisting through I passed and move on to BA course further north at Uclan, I knew from the Website that this was what I had originally envisioned for a proper games course. It was inspiring to be taught by industry experienced tutors and work in an environment with people with the same ideals brought together by a love of games. Although I was there to achieve my best sometimes Uni life and part-time work had got in the way, with hindsight this course was opportunity that I had somewhat taken for granted. However I managed to knuckle down in my last year and fight through those late nights to achieved an upper second. At the time I was a bit  hard on myself  for not achieving a first but come graduation I had felt a great sense of pride for myself and my friends, It was a strange mix of one journey ending and another beginning.

My 3rd Year Exhibition

The Graduate
I remember thinking "Um....So what now?" having completed the short term confusion was inevitable because nothing long term had been set up. I Remained in Preston that summer running a bar which was fine for rent but wasnt perfect and for some reason moving home seemed like going backwards for me. I had applied for a few positions and intern-ships with little feedback, also a small local company creating an exciting MMO was ready to hire me on the spot but their funding had fallen through before starting. I admit I did something bad here....I stuck my head in the sand, I began to question my pursuit of my dream job and questioning myself did i really want it, I guess at this time fear of failure was too much and I even stopped drawing for a while.(Gasp!)

 The Turn Around
Things were not looking bright, bills needed paying and I was in a rut. I decided to got home for 2weeks to take a break and to re-focus. Staying in the spare room I began to tidy and dug out a box with all my old school exercise books and sketch pads, all filled with drawings of sci-fi stories, fantasy games and comics, back then nothing could stop me from drawing and I remembered it wasn't just a form of expression, for me it was a joyful escapism. I reminisced with my family about the old games, movies and comics I use to make, it made me realise that they still believed in me and somehow that made me believe in myself again. The rut was over and I was going to keep it that way, after overcoming my own doubts it was time to actually make something of myself.

What is Happening now?
Well basically I'm organising and advertising myself a lot better now, my CV has been re-drafted and my portfolio is currently being updated, I am getting more involved in different game and concept art websites through blogs and competitions. I'm going back to my roots in traditional art and teaching myself from books, magazine and other on-line sources.I am drawing and painting again (Phew!), I feel driven knowing now what needs to be done to get that dream job. I am still looking for work at the moment but I am enjoying improving my style and defining my artwork and game concepts, I will keep you all updated of my own progress as well as the development of my work.