Wednesday 12 March 2014

Fantasy Map Sketches!

Sometimes studies and practising fundamentals like portraits, still life or perspective drawing can be a little demanding of concentration and effort, when I like to draw just for the fun and draw from the imagination: I draw fantasy maps. These can be as simple as you like or as complex, for example I like to separate imaginary Kingdoms by symbols or flags. building architecture styles, ensure they have access to metal mines, or lumber works or seaport access for trade. I also treat it like a game, like if you use your finger to follow a road, eventually you'll have a fork in the road and choices to make which might take you to a magicians citadel or a barbarian encampment with ruins and wild creatures along the way. Its basic, pencil and paper basic, but its creative fun especially if you like studying maps like me and getting bearings between areas and if they tell a story or an intersting  cultural difference (even if its fantastical) all the better.

There will be more maps to come, eventually I'll be adding colour or maybe even developing the game or storytelling aspect of it. These examples are basic and fun but detailed drawings look good framed on a wall  adding a lot of interest as a unique talking point, so I will be taking on some commissions for these in the future (if your interested email me at but I'll also keep the personal examples coming.

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